About Us...
LoveALatte Coffee was established as a nonprofit pop-up coffee shop in 2018. We are a job training opportunity for adults with special needs in Kankakee County. Our interns receive hands on training in customer service, money management, beverage preparation, among other skills related to future successful employment.
Our mission: To provide post high school job
training to young adults with special needs in
Kankakee County.
Our Vision: LoveALatte is the job training hub
for adults with special needs who have the
goal of securing employment in Kankakee
Our Value Statement: EVERYONE can learn,
EVERYONE can work, EVERYONE is a valuable
member of society
Buy your ticket today!
Grab a friend and head to LoveALatte's 2025 Gift Card Bingo Fundraiser! We are only selling 100 tickets, so don't delay! Click on this link to order!

LoveALatte's Drive-Thru is Open !
Come grab your favorite LoveALatte beverage as a special treat on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 8am-2pm at our new location! We are located at 970 W. Broadway St. in Bradley. We do have plans to expand our hours in the future, but for now make us a part of your weekend routine!

Donate Today
Your one time or recurring donation will help support our mission here at LoveAlatte and help us save for our long term goal of a stand alone storefront. Thanks for your support!

Volunteer Opportunities
As LoveALatte Coffee, prepared by special people grows, we are in need of more volunteers! Do you have a desire to enrich the lives of adults with special needs, have availability during the week and/or weekends, enjoy meeting new people, and LOVE coffee? Ok, loving coffee isn't a requirement, but who doesn't???? If you are interested in this amazing opportunity, please click on the link and fill out our Volunteer Interest Form. We will be in contact with you before our next volunteer training session.
Order Merchandise!
Use this link to order LoveALatte t-shirts, sweatshirts, and caps. Orders can be shipped or picked up at Go All Out in Bradley, IL.